12 Movies Where the Critics Were Totally and Completely Wrong


12. Boogie Nights (1997)

Although “Boogie Nights” is a decent movie in its own right, it pales in comparison to director P.T. Anderson’s other films.

The movie charts the Golden Age of Porn when movies were still shot using film and the actors couldn’t rely on the help of pharmaceuticals to enhance their performance.

Mark Wahlberg plays Eddie Adams, a high school dropout who washes dishes at a local nightclub.

Eddie befriends Jack Horner, a renowned porn director who auditions Eddie for a part in his films.

Impressed by Eddie’s performance and anatomy, Jack immediately hires Eddie and the pair go on to produce a number of films together. Eventually the sex, drugs, and rock and roll lifestyle catches up with Eddie, and we watch the characters as they struggle to deal with their personal addictions and the changing world of porn.

The movie was well received by both audiences and critics despite its needlessly long run time of 155 minutes. Mark Wahlberg gives a solid performance as a fallen porn star, but the movie relies too much on tired clichés to keep the audience gripped.

Many criticise director P.T. Anderson’s indulgent style of filmmaking that focuses more on film school-style shots than actually going beneath the surface of the characters and really developing the story.