12 Movies Where the Critics Were Totally and Completely Wrong


5. Star Wars (1977)

Yes, it’s a lot of fun. Yes, it launched the modern sci-fi movie. But is the original “Star Wars” movie actually any good?

The acting is hammy and over the top, and the plot is a shameless rehash of a Kurosawa classic mixed with a Spaghetti Western theme.

Plus, “The Empire Strikes Back” is much better. George Lucas’ iconic film has given birth to a parallel universe that includes its own history, politics, laws and even a language.

Like fans of “The Lord of the Rings”, Many “Star Wars” enthusiasts feel far more comfortable immersed in their fantasy land than in the real world.

Created on a budget of just £11 million, the film went on to gross £775 million worldwide, and the franchise still rakes in billions of dollars through sequels, video games, books and merchandise. “Star Wars” remains the perfect example of a seriously overrated movie.

Although Lucas broke new ground with the film’s special effects, the acting and use of tired gimmicks and clichés are not enough to carry the film through to the end. To ensure the film featured incredible special effects that had never been seen on screen before, Lucas created visual effects company Industrial Light and Magic.

The company went on to work on classic films such as “Ghostbusters”, “Back to the Future”, “Indiana Jones” and Jurassic Park.”