12 Reasons Why True Detective Became Truly Defective


8. The Lack Of Consistency (read: the lack of Fukunaga)

The mesmerizing connection between series creator Pizzolatto and season 1 director Cary Fukunaga resulted in an amazing piece of television in the form of True Detective season 1.

For some reason, Fukunaga did not come back as the man behind the camera for the follow-up (only as a producer), which resulted in a considerable lack of consistency, compactness and overall visual density.

If there ever were any weaknesses in the script for season 1, coherent directorial vision Fukunaga brought to the mix definitely managed to mask them in the best way possible.

The director’s camera wielding, in combination with hypnotizing performances by Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson, was a slam dunk.

This is what Fast & Furious director, Justin Lin, failed to accomplish this summer. True Detective should be everything but fast and furious.