15 Game of Thrones Characters We Didn’t Expect To Get Killed


11. Renly Baratheon

After Robert Baratheon met his end at the tusks of a wild hog, his younger brother Renly was the next to assume the throne. As this is a ‘game of thrones’, one shouldn’t expect his tenure to last very long.

Renly Baratheon was a questionable character to say the least. At first he seemed like a good guy, only to betray Eddard Stark at a point. This made him lose all his credibility with the fans, but nonetheless, we didn’t expect him to die so early into the show.

Once he failed to hold up his end of the deal with Ned Stark, Renly ran away from King’s Landing.

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From a safe distance, he plotted against the Lannisters and his older brother Stannis, only to get literally stabbed in the back by Stannis’ shadow in the comfort of his tent. We guess nobody and nowhere is safe on this show.