15 Game of Thrones Characters We Didn’t Expect To Get Killed


12. Catelyn Stark

If the death of Ned Stark wasn’t murderous on the fans enough, some tears were definitely shed at the sight of the Red Wedding, when a lot of Starks got killed because of one man’s bitterness.

Among the characters that died here was Catelyn Stark.

The events which transpired during this episode were more than moving, but they reached their real climax with Lady Stark’s death.

As she watched her son and her wife getting shot by arrows and stabbed until they bleed out, Catelyn screams at Walder Frey while holding a knife to his wife’s throat, promising to kill her if he doesn’t let them go.

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Frey doesn’t comply, and Catelyn proceeds with killing the woman, only to have her own throat slit right after.