15 Movies That Changed Film Industry Forever


10. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

This legendary science fiction action thriller, written, produced and directed by James Cameron, is the first sequel to the 1984 film “The Terminator,” but Judgment Day is certainly a piece that can magnificently stand on its own, making you forget about the prequel, not to mention its later sequels.

Besides its trendsetting and original story, a large part of the success the movie made was due to the extraordinary use of visual effects which earned the team an Oscar.

Unlike “Avatar,” for instance, which is almost all in CGI, only a segment of T2 was done using effect shots. And what a segment that was.

The famous T-1000 morphing sequence, which cost over $5 million to produce over the period of eight months, definitely broke all the boundaries of that time.

The team used Industrial Light and Magic’s “Cyberscan,” a photorealistic CGI technology, to project a laser over the face of Robert Patrick and then they were able to build the 3D visuals over the scan. Extreme attention was paid to Patrick’s recognizable way of walking and carrying himself, so the liquid metal terminator would look as realistic as possible.

Truly badass.