15 Movies That Ruined Careers


15. Boat Trip

One simple yet on-the-point question comes to mind when thinking of Boat Trip and Cuba Gooding Jr.: why?

This God forsaken movie was literally just one long gay joke.

It was so tasteless, terrible, and bad in so many ways, Cuba publicly apologized for having made it.

Of course he did, he’s not stupid or a bad guy, he just made some incredibly wrong choices which almost destroyed his credibility to the last atom.

During one interview, Cuba Said that the movie was wrong on so many levels and that he did it for the money: “It was also for the money. When I got to Boat Trip, I thought it was time to do something that was going to make me a $20 million player.”

Not only was he wrong, he almost threw all of his talent to the wind. Boat Trip is one of the most disgustingly unfunny movies known to man, and we already enriched you knowledge with The Love Guru.