20 TV Shows That Were Cancelled Too Early


10. Ringer

“Ringer” was supposed to be the comeback show for Sarah Michelle Gellar as she returned to the television screen for the first time after “Buffy” left the air for good.

Although it had great characters in a plot line that kept everyone guessing, there was just not enough interest in the show for producers to be able to keep it running. Much to the chagrin of the fans the show was canceled.

The premise of the show, in which Sarah Michelle Gellar played two characters, was that Bridget Kelly, a recovering drug addict and prostitute and Wyoming, travel to New York to meet up with her twin sister Siobhan Martin.

Siobhan had been trying to keep her sister’s existence a secret, and appeared to have committed suicide by jumping off a bridge when her sister came back. Bridget Kelly then attempts to take her sister’s place and tries to fit in with her sisters wealthy lifestyle in an effort to avoid being captured by her ex-boss, against whom she was about to testify and Wyoming.

Many questions were left unanswered at the end of the shows airing, and many fans are hoping that a movie will be made to tie up the loose ends.