Created by director Rob Thomas a chronicled the life of the title character, played by Kristen Bell, who was a high school student transitioning into college and doing private detective work on the side while being mentor at by her investigator father.
The first two seasons follow the same format and included small mysteries that would last for the duration of one episode, and an overarching mystery that would be introduced in the first episode and wrap up in the finale.
The format certainly seem to work well and kept the audience engaged for the first two seasons. During the third season, however, the writer and director decided to follow a different format. Whether it was the change in format for the change in network that ultimately decided the fate of the show, fans all agree that the show was canceled far too soon.
Spend Your Evening with Veronica Mars and Her Adventures!
For now, however it seemed that the 64 episode show had come to an end, but fortunately enough the funds have been collected via Kickstarter and they’ve recorded a movie sequel.