The original “Star Trek” series featuring Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the rest only lasted three seasons before being cancelled.
History has proven that the studio’s decision to end the series was terribly wrong as five more series plus countless movies have been spawned from the original.
Creator Gene Roddenberry has described “Star Trek” as a “Space Western” with the good guys battling it out on the final frontier.
After its early cancellation, reruns of the show helped to turn it into a cult classic. Today, it is considered to be one of the most successful TV series of all time and has had a huge influence on popular culture.
Live Long And Prosper – Find All Seasons of Star Trek Here!
Fans of “Star Trek” are known as “Trekkies” and regularly organise conventions and campaigns in various parts of the world. One particularly successful campaign saw NASA name one of its Space Shuttles “Enterprise (OV-101)” after the show’s iconic spaceship.
The series has given birth to 11 feature length movies, theme parks, a language and countless books, CDs and video games. Many of the show’s phrases such as “Beam me up Scotty” have even found their way into the English language.