25 Worst Movies Ever


13. The Love Guru (2008)

“Wayne’s World” fans remember Mike Myers as the comedic genius that brought bumbling duo Wayne and Garth to life at the height of the MTV era.

Unfortunately, he decided somewhere along the line that he could both star in a movie and act as the film’s director.

“The Love Guru” was the ugly spawn of this incredibly bad decision.

The movie begins with some amazingly racist gags, and spirals into even more offensive depths as Myers portrays Guru Maurice Pitka, a bearded sage enlisted to help a hockey player overcome stress caused by his wife’s departure for a man referred to as “Le Coq.” (Isn’t that a hilariously subtle reference?)

Even if you can make yourself pretend that a plot exists, you can’t overlook the fact that “The Love Guru” is little more than an 88 minute collection of gross-out gags and mildly offensive puns. Sexual references abound, making the film more appealing to pre-teen boys than self-respecting adults. After all, in what adult world is sex with elephants funny?

This movie co-stars Jessica Alba, which would appear to make watching it at least bearable. But don’t kid yourself. Even Alba couldn’t save this steaming pile of elephant dung.