25 Worst Movies Ever


12. The Spirit (2008)

When you’ve got a cast that includes Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlet Johansson, you can’t go wrong.

That is, unless the movie is based on a comic book series. Then you can be pretty sure you’re in for a truly painful experience.

That’s exactly what you’ll get when you sit down to watch “The Spirit.” Samuel L. Jackson is known for some pretty impressive roles, but his portrayal of The Octopus isn’t one of them. And Johansson’s perennial poutiness makes the movie all the more insufferable.

The tenuous plot of the movie will only make sense to you if you’re already a fan of Will Eisner’s comic book series of the same name. Otherwise, you’ll likely find the movie a bewildering mish-mash of action scenes, dramatic music, and unrepentant brooding. Oh, and there are lots of scantily clad girls. Lots and lots. Only their inclusion comes off as contrived rather than erotic.

Critics hated the movie, stating that it was devoid of even a shred of human emotion. Roger Ebert even commented that “To call the characters cardboard is an insult to useful packing material.” Unless you’re a diehard comic fan and love to see your favorite stories butchered on your plasma television, stay far away from “The Spirit.”