25 Worst Movies Ever


9. The Happening (2008)

M. Night Shamalyan shot to stardom with his mind-blowing film “The Sixth Sense.”

This film astounded moviegoers with its gritty, shocking visuals and creepy horror vibe. Unfortunately, the director’s track record did not continue as many fans had hoped.

“The Happening,” which initially created a strong buzz among moviegoers expecting another incredible movie, hit a new low in horror silliness.

The main premise of “The Happening” is absurdly simple: Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel fight plants, flowers, and trees who seek revenge for man’s polluting ways.

Aside from the flimsy premise, the visuals and special effects of this lemon were more reminiscent of campy 1980s pseudo-horror than a modern thriller. If you decide to spend 90-ish minutes of your life watching “The Happening,” you might want to get together a group of friends and focus on the movie’s copious failings.

Try hard not to laugh when Wahlberg apologizes to a fake houseplant. The “love scene” near the end of the movie is as cheesy as the special effects, so don’t expect the storyline to improve as the film progresses. Ultimately, the movie ends in a “cliffhanger,” which in this case, means the scriptwriter ran out of ideas.