25 Worst Movies Ever


24. Meet Joe Black (1998)

Anthony Hopkins! Brad Pitt! The physical embodiment of Death! What could possibly go wrong?

As it turns out, quite a lot. This film centers around a billionaire named William Parrish (Hopkins) who begins hearing voices just before his 65th birthday.

He learns that his daughter is considering marriage, and launches into an impassioned speech that basically boils down to “keep playing the field.”

Not long after, he is visited by the physical embodiment of Death (Pitt), who was apparently far moved by the speech than anyone in the film’s audience. Death, who takes the name Joe Black, tells Parrish that for as long as he agrees to serve as Death’s guide on Earth, he won’t have to die.

Confused yet? So was everyone else who has ever watched this convoluted mess of a film. The remainder of the plot isn’t any clearer. Death/Joe Black becomes consumed with human desires, and Parrish’s daughter falls in love with him. Eventually, Death helps Parrish regain control over the media empire he spent his life building.

Critics compared “Meet Joe Black” to watching a glacier move. Still, the high point of the movie for many people is seeing Brad Pitt get smacked full force by a speeding van.