25 Worst Movies Ever


5. Catwoman (2004)

Halle Berry rose to prominence shortly after the turn of the century and was widely considered an A list star.

Unfortunately, even her star power couldn’t turn “Catwoman” into a successful film.

Superhero flicks are commonly rife with ridiculous plot developments, but the idea of the film’s protagonist being brought back to life by an Egyptian Mau feline flummoxed even the most hardcore DC fans.

Even worse, the plot continues to disintegrate as Catwoman seeks the answers regarding her death and the identity of her killers.

She discovers that the Mau cat that brought her back to life was a messenger of the Egyptian goddess Bast. This twist falls flat as it fails to carry through during the remainder of the movie.

Ultimately, the film fails to provide an logical resolution. Berry’s character engages in a battle with her adversary, allows the woman to drop to her death from a skyscraper, and subsequently disappears into the night.

Although this Halle Berry superhero flick eventually earned over $80 million, it’s still widely considered a critical bomb. It has a 27% approval on Rotten Tomatoes and it swept the 2005 Razzies. In fact, Berry arrived at the ceremony to playfully accept her Worst Actress award in-person.