25 Worst Movies Ever


4. Batman & Robin (1997)

This film seemed to have everything going for it with stars like George Clooney, Chris O’Donnell, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Alicia Silverstone and Uma Thurman.

Unfortunately, audiences rejected the movie’s cartoonish story, wooden acting, and nipple-laced Batsuit.

The plot of the film, which centered around a new antagonist named Mr. Freeze, was based on the premise of exterminating mankind and replacing humans with mutant plants.

Even for diehard fans of the Batman franchise, the concept seemed labored and unimaginative. One can only guess that the storyline was hastily conceived by the producer and writer, both of whom sought to capitalize on the success of earlier films in the Batman series.

There were a couple of bright spots, though. Firstly, the film marked the introduction of Batgirl, a development long awaited by Batman fans. Secondly, the movie’s theme song, composed by 90s alternative rockers Smashing Pumpkins, received critical acclaim. Still, the film received almost unanimously negative reviews.

It also performed poorly in the North American box office, grossing only just under $131 million. A 62 percent drop in revenues after the first week did little to help the film’s overall performance. Although “Batman and Robin” fared marginally better internationally, it is still considered one of the biggest flops of the late 20th century.