What’s Wrong With The Green Lantern According To Ryan Reynolds

February 4, 2015


If Ryan Reynolds ever had a flop movie, it’s the 2011’s “Green Lantern.” The debate about whether the movie was good or bad rages on even 4 years later, but the Canadian actor doesn’t deny that the flick was a failure.

In fact, the protagonist of the movie has a clear message about what killed this potentially awesome superhero project. During an interview with Yahoo Movies, Reynolds talked about the steps that led him to returning to the role of Deadpool in Marvel’s upcoming movie.

When the conversation shifted to the mistake the actor made in the past, the topic of “Green Lantern” was the first to surface.

But with no regrets, Reynolds addressed the issue of the movie: “We’ve had a script for three years. The script got leaked, and people even loved that. That says a lot — if you can create a script around a comic-book character that is directly within the canon of the character and be embraced.”

“That’s a huge step in the right direction. I’ve since learned that a lot of superhero movies don’t really have a fully functioning draft of the screenplay ready until they’re already well into shooting.”

“I’m not complaining about it — it was an opportunity of a lifetime, and if I were to go back and retrace my steps, I would probably do everything the exact same way. But script, that’s what’s different on this one.”

Ryan Reynolds played Deadpool back in 2009 in “X-Men Origins: Wolverine.” According to the public, he did an awesome job there, and is likely to repeat the same charade on February 12, 2016 in “Deadpool.”

Let’s just hope he’s smart enough to avoid any major bumps that can ultimately kill the movie, just like they killed “Green Lantern.”