Whether in book or movie form, the world-wide phenomenon known as “Harry Potter” has a pretty formidable fanbase, which got boiling hot after the franchise’s...
Motion pictures are an essential part of the world of entertainment. However, they can sometimes do exactly the opposite. Even great movies can get a...
For an action-packed series, the “Fast & Furious” movie franchise has been unexpectedly successful to say the least. From the first to the seventh installment,...
Just when we thought nothing crazier than “Dumb and Dumber To” can happen, we learn that Hollywood is making a movie about our favorite childhood...
After the 2014 reboot of “Godzilla” directed by Gareth Edwards, the audience was split between the innovation of the new movie and the nostalgia of...
Every couple of weeks a few big movies come out, with the sole intention of dominating the box office. With the weekend as the best...
We can debate on whether adapting Disney’s fairy-tales to the big screen is good or bad for days on end. Maybe it’s due to the...
Even though the box office cannot measure how good a movie is, it’s still a place where films either rise or fall. And this weekend,...
Aside from the massive number of sequels and reboots that have been growing in numbers in Hollywood, biopics are also one of the main genres...
With “The LEGO Movie” being welcomed as a really good tribute to our favorite childhood toys, it’s only logical to expect its sequel to be...
Even though everyone loves taboos, they’re not the only thing worth breaking. The latest ‘almost pornographic’ book-to-film adaptation “Fifty Shades of Grey” has been all...
Enough with the sequels, prequels, remakes, and reboots! The audience has come to a stage where it’s tired of seeing the same stuff over and...
With the franchise’s return in December with “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens,” fans from around the world have been praying for many of...
We all saw the first three movies and we can’t wait for the announced one, so one might say everyone is hungry for more “Hunger...