Quentin Tarantino, who is known for making rather graphic and violent movies, is now daring to tackle a real-life crime biopic as his next project...
Exciting time for all “The Dark Tower” and Stephen King fans out there. The Dark Tower trailer 2 has seen the light of day and...
“Wonder Woman” has been raging all over when it comes to both domestic and global tickets sales, while the movie has (for to us unknown...
When it comes to A-list Hollywood stars and their HUGE checks, one would expect they are all very professional and always on top of their...
With all the hype and negative rumors surrounding the upcoming season 3 of Rick And Morty, the fans are slowly but surely going slightly mad.
Borrowed Time perfectly captures what makes us human and what memories mean to all of us.
“Wonder Woman” actress, the talented Gal Gadot, is quickly becoming a HUGE Hollywood star, and since she’s had a lead role in this year’s “Wonder...
We were so thrilled to hear that they were coming with a yet another game called “South Park: The Fractured But Whole.”
Ok gang, we have some bad news… Season 13 of “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” won’t air until 2019, but it seems there might be...
After hitting small screens head-on with “Legion” using their license for Marvel‘s X-Men titles, FX is going for more. We just got an announcement that...
Hakuna Matata everyone! If you are a fan of one of the most beautiful Disney classics of all time – The Lion King – you...
When Deadpool 2 trailer went out a bit unexpectedly about a month ago, the web went berserk and all the fans started asking one obvious...
“Stranded in the Arctic, Mads Mikkelsen must fight to survive,” if you ask us, we’ve already bought the ticket! After spending a few years on...
Photo credit: Bigstock/Disney-ABC Domestic Television All Marvel fans know that Josh Brolin is already a big shot in the main Marvel Cinematic Universe as he’s...