In 2015, filmmaker Adam McKay shook the audiences around the globe with his political comedy/drama “The Big Short,” and now he seems to have another...
Is Sylvester Stallone truly expendable? Let’s find out. Although the actor was the main mastermind behind this action-packed star-studded project, it appears he won’t be...
Here’s a nice combo of talented people to get you excited and tickle your imagination. Namely, Tom Hardy has just boarded a new interesting project...
If you are a fan of “Game of Thrones” (who isn’t?) and you like Ed Sheeran (who doesn’t), you are definitely in for a treat....
Hugh Jackman‘s last Wolverine movie is fulfilling all the high expectations and properly filling their bank account. “Logan” opened with a staggering $85 million, matching...
2016 was a rather fruitful year when it comes to quality TV series. Westworld, and Stranger Things were not the only TV shows that caught...
Warren Beatty somehow managed to Steve Harvey the Oscars this week and that mistake will definitely live on as one of the most infamous events...
Great news for all you Star Wars fans out there. The filming of the still untitled Han Solo Star Wars project has just started and...
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 8 years since Avatar took the world of cinematography by storm and became one of the best CGI...
Disney has been making so much money via their successfully resuscitated Star Wars franchise that other people want to get in on the action. Naturally....
Although Jake Gyllenhaal’s first big break came with the starring role in “October Sky”, it was his second film “Donnie Darko” that truly offered a...
We’ve been waiting patiently for Rick and Morty season 3, but now the fans are becoming a bit restless. Naturally. Especially as season 3 was...
If you are a true fan of “Will & Grace” you are in for a treat. It appears that some good things will come from...
Although Daniel Craig is still the official 007, the rumor mill is currently being both shaken and stirred about who is going to replace the...