The news was quickly embraced by the show’s cult-like following as it spread like wildfire.
Unfortunately, Martin quickly responded on LiveJournal, smashing the rumors and revealing the sad truth: “…Completely false. No one is working on any movie just now. And if there was a movie, it would not be about Robert’s Rebellion.”
Devoted fans Linda and Elio, who contributed to “A World of Ice and Fire”, took to Twitter to end the discussion about a GoT movie.
“Reports that #GameOfThrones movie is in the works are based on fake quotes from @GRRMSpeaking, according to @HBO. Tabloids are shameless.”
Shameless or not, tabloids are saying “out loud” what everyone else is thinking, ‘we want a GoT movie already’! Hope dies last and it’s highly likely that one of the major studios will find a way to make our wish come true.