Top 20 Movies Based on True Stories


19. Coach Carter

When a team fails to uphold their academic contract with their coach, he benches the entire team and faces the angry community to help his team learn a hard lesson.

Samuel L. Jackson plays Ken Carter in this true story about an undefeated high school basketball team and real life discipline.

Carter brings a strictness and dedication to a basketball team that is lacking direction. The students are just waiting for someone to be their leader and Carter does the job well.

Jackson is great in this role and plays a convincing basketball coach that is dedicated to the success of every one of the boys on his team.

Click here to buy “Coach Carter” (Blu-ray)

When you want to watch a feel good movie about boys coming of age and basketball, Coach Carter is a great movie to sit down and watch.

Coach Carter demands that his players go to class and get acceptable grades. When the players don’t take him seriously, he puts the basketball season in jeopardy by refusing his players to play until they raise their grades.

Coach Carter teaches the students that academics come before sports, that your education is more important than any game every could be.

Coach Carter instills lessons into his players that they will carry with them for a lifetime.